Effortlessly Power up to Five Synthesizers with a 5-Way Splitter Cable

By:Admin on 2023-05-27 02:59:21

Cable, Roland Boutique, Powering Convenience, Music Production, Professional Studios, USB Mains Power Plug. Music production can be an expensive venture, with a wide range of equipment needed in professional studios. Powering multiple devices in the studio can be daunting, particularly when they require different power supplies. That aside, convenience is crucial, especially when working on multiple projects simultaneously. Well, Roland Boutique has come up with a solution, the RAD 5-way Power Splitter Cable. This new invention lets you power up to five Roland Boutique devices at the same time, from one USB mains power plug. This solution brings convenience to music producers and studio engineers, enabling them to power their devices for uninterrupted and efficient music production. One of the most remarkable features of the RAD 5-way Power Splitter Cable is that it is compatible with all the Roland Boutique range - including the JX-03, VP-03, TB-03, JP-08, JU-06, TR-09, and A-01. This compatibility means that you don't need to search for a separate cable for each device, and neither do you have to worry about whether one device is compatible with another.The RAD 5-way Power Splitter Cable will transform your studio operations in numerous ways. First of all, it will enable you to save on space. Instead of having multiple power sockets and cables taking up space, you will only need one USB mains power plug to deliver power to all five devices. This aspect is crucial, particularly in small studios, where space is limited.Additionally, having all your devices in close proximity to each other yields numerous benefits. For instance, you can easily modify or adjust the sound of your devices without moving from one power socket to the next.Moreover, the RAD 5-way Power Splitter Cable will enhance your productivity and efficiency as you work on multiple projects simultaneously. With all your devices powered from one source, you can efficiently manage and utilize your studio time. You can alternate between devices without the fear of power surges or damage to the instruments.In conclusion, the RAD 5-way Power Splitter Cable has revolutionized music production by providing an efficient and convenient solution to power multiple devices. It is the ideal device for producers and studio engineers who work with multiple Roland Boutique devices, and it eliminates the need for multiple power sockets and cables. This device is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their music production activities and optimize their studio space. Get yours today and take your music production to the next level!

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. So, I decided to look into diplexers. After researching and comparing different options, I settled on the Mark Schoonover - HF/VHF Diplexer. It allows me to run both HF and VHF antennas simultaneously without causing interference, and it has worked flawlessly for me on the 6-meter band. Overall, I highly recommend this diplexer for any amateur looking to activate multiple bands without the hassle of constantly switching coax lines.

By:Admin on 2023-05-27 02:58:52

, and end up transmitting on the wrong band, potentially damaging my equipment. So, I began to search for a solution that would allow me to switch between HF and VHF without having to manually switch my coax cable each time.That's when I stumbled upon the HF/VHF diplexer. Essentially, this device allows for the combination of two different frequency bands onto a single transmission line. In my case, it would allow me to combine both the HF and VHF frequencies onto one coax cable, thus eliminating the need for a coax switch.After doing some research, I decided to purchase the Mark Schoonover HF/VHF diplexer. This diplexer has a frequency range of 1.8 to 54 MHz and 76 to 154 MHz, which covers all of the bands I would be using with my IC-7000.Installation was relatively straightforward. I attached the diplexer to the back of my rig with coax cables connecting to both the HF and VHF ports. From there, I ran a single coax cable from the "Combiner" port on the diplexer to my antenna.I tested the diplexer with both HF and VHF frequencies, and I was pleased to find that it worked flawlessly. I was able to switch between bands without any issues, and my IC-7000 didn't even notice the difference.Overall, the Mark Schoonover HF/VHF diplexer is a fantastic solution for anyone who wants to combine multiple frequency bands onto a single transmission line. It's easy to install, works great, and eliminates the need for a coax switch. If you're looking to activate the 6-meter band with your do-it-all rig, I highly recommend giving this diplexer a try.

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DJ Lowpass Drops August 8th Mix After Delay, Preps for New Residency in Ottawa

By:Admin on 2023-05-27 02:58:33

Lowpass DJ: Revving up the Summer with Highs and LowsHey guys, apologies for the delay in bringing you the latest mix from my DJ set, its been quite a ride getting ready for my new residency at Ottawa's famous club (name removed for obvious reasons). But let's not get hung up on that, I'm super excited to bring you this month's instalment, which is sure to get your feet tapping and your summer vibe going!Firstly, let's talk about the concept behind 'High Low Pass'. This mix has been put together with the aim of showcasing the range of sounds and styles that can be transmitted through low and high pass filters. The art of creating music via filters is what sets a skilled DJ such as myself apart from the rest, and this is my way of sharing my knowledge with my fans.Starting with Low Pass, I've included some of my favourite melodic deep house tracks which gradually build up the tempo and energy levels. The mood is soulful, emotive and perfect for a sunset gathering. Look out for tracks like Martin Waslewski's "Dwelling" and "I'm Not Afraid" by Saison, which exemplify the warm and groovy nature of this segment.Next up, we move onto the High Pass section, where I've infused some tech-house tunes with punchy basslines and some seriously infectious grooves. This is where things really start to heat up, and I've picked out tracks such as "Rumble" by Andrea Oliva and "Marrakech" by Alvaro Smart to keep the tempo soaring. But, of course, no mix is complete without some quality transitions between high and low pass filters, and I've ensured that these sections blend seamlessly into each other, providing a fluid and coherent listening experience. So, without further ado, sit back, relax and let's turn up the volume on Lowpass DJ's August Mix!To summarise, my High Low Pass concept allows me to span different sub-genres of dance music, while maintaining a cohesive structure. It's a great way to showcase the versatility of filters, and to demonstrate the subtleties within the different sounds of electronic music.Before I sign off, I'd like to give a shout out to my new residency at (club name removed), which I'm really excited to be a part of. Along with my monthly mixes, I'll be keeping my fans updated with all my latest gigs, so be sure to keep an eye out for my next performance.That's it for this month, but be sure to check back with me for more of the latest DJ news, gossip and of course, my soaring mixes. Until then, stay groovy!

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